Yokkaichi's Specialty! Pork Steak
Yokkaichi's Specialty! Pork Steak

Hello everybody, it is Jim, welcome to our recipe page. Today, we’re going to make a distinctive dish, yokkaichi's specialty! pork steak. One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I am going to make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

If you can, use a block of pork shoulder. Yokkaichi-style pork steak is a substantial dish and very delicious. It is a speciality of Yokkaichi City in Mie Prefecture and is commonly called "Glove Yaki" ("Seared Pork Steak Glove") because of its resemblance to a glove.

Yokkaichi's Specialty! Pork Steak is one of the most well liked of recent trending foods on earth. It is easy, it’s fast, it tastes delicious. It is appreciated by millions every day. Yokkaichi's Specialty! Pork Steak is something which I’ve loved my whole life. They are nice and they look fantastic.

To begin with this recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can have yokkaichi's specialty! pork steak using 11 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Yokkaichi's Specialty! Pork Steak:
  1. Get 1 kg Pork shoulder
  2. Take 2 packets Bean sprouts
  3. Get 5 clove Garlic
  4. Make ready 5 tbsp Vegetable oil
  5. Prepare 1 cabbage's worth Shredded cabbage
  6. Prepare Pork steak sauce
  7. Make ready 75 ml Mirin
  8. Make ready 2 tbsp Sugar
  9. Make ready 150 ml Japanese Worcestershire sauce
  10. Take 150 ml Soy sauce
  11. Get 80 ml Oyster sauce

Pork Steak is a variation of Bistek Tagalog. Pork chops are used in this recipe. These are marinated in lime and soy sauce. Making your own pork steak at home is simple and easy.

Instructions to make Yokkaichi's Specialty! Pork Steak:
  1. If you can, use a block of pork shoulder. Make thick cuts, then bring to room temperature.
  2. It's delicious if you remove the roots from the bean sprouts. Parboil for 20 seconds, then drain.
  3. Julienne the cabbage into 1 mm strips. The pork steak is delicious when eaten with cabbage.
  4. Slice the garlic and remove the core.
  5. Make the pork steak sauce. Combine all the sauce ingredients in a pot and heat until reduced to 2/3.
  6. Heat the oil to 70-80°C. Add the meat. It should be just hot enough that you can still put your finger into it.
  7. Cook for 6 minutes, then flip it over and cook for an additional 6 minutes. Flip over and cook for another 2 minutes. Make cuts in the meat like a glove.
  8. Put the vegetable oil and garlic in the cool pan and heat over low heat. When the garlic turns a golden color, turn off the heat and remove the garlic.
  9. Heat the frying pan over medium heat, add the chicken, and quickly cook. Cook each side for about 30 seconds, add the sauce, and coat for about 15 seconds.
  10. Arrange the bean sprouts and cabbage onto a plate, then transfer the pork to the plate. Simmer the remaining sauce in the frying pan and reduce. Drizzle on the pork steak.
  11. Top the pork steak with the fried garlic slices and serve.
  12. For a simple variation on this pork steak, try the pork and egg rice bowl at - - https://cookpad.com/us/recipes/144905-pork-and-egg-rice-bowl

This recipe is intended for beginners. This means that you can make this dish even if you are a. Pork steaks are one of my favorite cuts of pork. They come from the shoulder or butt part of the pig. It's actually a shoulder roast sliced into steaks so you'll see the same marbling that makes pork shoulder roasts so flavorful.

So that’s going to wrap it up for this special food yokkaichi's specialty! pork steak recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I’m sure that you can make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page in your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!